The Milk Bar
Some days can be tough. At the end of the day, you just can’t wait to get out of work and think about anything else. And maybe you just want to go some place where everybody knows your name. We work our interns hard and they all have their favorite bar where I sure hope…
Work Fatigue
Sometimes we all don’t feel like going to work. And on those days, maybe we clock in, even when aren’t technically all there. But it still counts! Manny here is taking that to heart. He’s at work…somewhat. But that arm is all he needs to punch the time clock and get credit for being there.
Never Sell Alone
The business world is full of bullies. No one really likes it, except the bullies, but it’s true. We work hard at Kittinterns Inc to weed out employees like that, but other companies aren’t so stringent. We sell in teams so when the competitor shows up, tries to make us look bad, and even makes…