Tag: tuxedo

  • The Milk Bar

    The Milk Bar

    Some days can be tough. At the end of the day, you just can’t wait to get out of work and think about anything else. And maybe you just want to go some place where everybody knows your name. We work our interns hard and they all have their favorite bar where I sure hope…

  • New Intern Acclimatization

    New Intern Acclimatization

    Starting a new job is tough for anyone. For our interns, this is their first full-time job, so it can be especially difficult. They’re used to the college life of sleeping until noon and going on milk benders all night long. We try to be understanding and ease them into it, but poor Jack here…

  • Introducing Mama Pep and her Boys!

    Introducing Mama Pep and her Boys!

    Hi all, we’re back! And we have the sweetest little lady and her oh so cuddleable boys. Mama Pep is a young mom but she’s doing an incredible job with her babies. She’s always very concerned when we take them for their company-mandated training(weigh-ins) but she also volunteers for all the work(pets) we can give…